27 May 2011

Kemsley in Vancouver

Recently, Cosmos Chariman and CEO Paul Kemsley was at Empire Field in Vancouver to take in a Whitecaps game. During his stay, he met up with Whitecaps Ambassador Carl Valentine to discuss the happenings of the Cosmos. Below are some quotes from the video.

When asked what is going on:
"Had Eric Cantona in New York with me training our PDL side" 

"Talking at length with MLS and working on our stadium solution"

When asked about the buzz:
 "I think we had something like 1.4 billion ipressions on the internet. And both the New York Cosmos and Cantona were the number 1 tweeting trends when we announced Cantona's appointment""

When asked if he is happy with the way negotiations are going:
"Yea, I cant complain, we're exactly where we wanted to be at this point of time"

Paul later jokes that he must not be doing so bad if he has an all access path granted from the league.

There will be a lot of speculation as to why Kemsley was in Vancouver checking out the stadiums, but it has to be positive.

With Garber talking of the Cosmos recently and Kemsley's words here, you have to conclude that things are moving along. This has been a tiring ride but signs are positive that it might end favorably.

Patience is a virtue, even in Cosmos Country.

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