04 November 2011

What of the Copa?

With the internal changes taking place within the New York Cosmos, most fans understandably wish to know how this affects your organization's progress in becoming a MLS team. For supporters, this is the most important question that want answered as immediately as possible.

By no means am I suggesting that supporters jump ship. However the reality is, we as your potential season ticket holders are no longer interested with the marketing fluff that was previously fed to us.  While it was initially fun and amusing, we are no longer interested. The only thing we at this stage is a MLS Club.

If your goal is be part of Major League Soccer, than start playing the role by covering MLS and the local NYC Scene. You have a recognizable website with the social media accounts and we want content. We understand the online store but at the end of the day, readers want to read something related to American Soccer. From your discussions with Major League Soccer, I am sure that MLS Commissioner Don Garber is able to grant you Media Credentials.

With all do respect, your organization set the bar and has failed to achieve it... end of story. Don't blame us for being upset. We listened, we defended, and we invested in merchandise. As supporters, we have no reservation in being patient but loyalty is a two-way street and the lack of communication to us has been disrespectful.

Had you simply generated a Press Release admitting that things haven't ran as smoothly as expected, we would have been understanding and who knows, even more sympathetic in your plight. Despite our frustrations, we are impressed with two elements of your organization.

They are the Cosmos Academy and the Cosmos Copa.

For the time being, we're going to focus on the Cosmos Copa. We hope that the new ownership of the Cosmos realize the importance of this tournament. Not only for the possibility of finding some talent (MLS scouts were at last years edition) but for what it actually does for New York.

Our world isn t filled with the prejudices that once were, however, that does not mean we should stray away from bringing people together.

While the Cosmos Copa has clearly offered some fantastic soccer, it also brought together people from various communities and more importantly, various cultures.

This is something that needs to continue because in a city as diverse as New York, the variety needs to interact and what better way to get them together, than to celebrate the game of soccer.

In the past, our site has praised the efforts of Chris Noble and Spencer Dormitzer before, and we will continue to do so. The fact that 5 Points Press volunteered hours of their personal time in not only covering the Cosmos Copa but meeting with the clubs while creating a Special Edition issue clearly demonstrates the respect we have for not only Chris and Spencer but also for the tournament itself.

The Cosmos Copa is a unique spectacle that can't be pulled off in many cities around the world, but you can in New York. Let s hope the new owners of the Cosmos recognize that and continue this tradition. Not only will it be good for the Cosmos as an organization, but it will be good for New York.

We maybe upset with you right now but we anticipate that it ll be an issue of the past once we actually see some progress. You know where we stand and the it's up to you to decide how you re going to honor our loyalty.

We know that you can not provide us with an MLS team next summer, but you can provide us with the 3rd installment of the Cosmos Copa.


Anonymous said...

agreed 100%

Ian Thomson said...

Copa NYC, of course, existed long before the Cosmos' revival. I'm confident Spencer would ensure it's smooth continuation should it be severed by the new owners.

Anonymous said...

They should just start under Dvision II and work their way up. Otherwise I am convinced this will end as a marketing scheme. And a lot of NY soccer fans aren't buying yet.