16 June 2011

Cosmos Copa Previews: Team Kosovo

The World Cup happens once every four years for most soccer fans, but luckily, for New Yorkers, it happens every summer in our own back yard. 

Saturday morning, qualification for the 2011 edition of the Cosmos Copa will take place and we decided to partake in the festivities by profiling teams participating.

The beauty of New York is that you don't have to go very far to experience different culture from around the world, so our preview focuses not on the soccer, but rather on how to truly experience the cultures of the tournament.

Team Kosovo will be appearing in its first ever Copa Cosmos and we caught up with Team President Zef Kabashi who shared some insight on the team and its culture.
  • Team Name: Kosovo
  • Team Nickname: Kosovars
  • Player to watch and why: Burat Lajqi – quality passer, heart of the team; strong leadership; focused. Berat Islami – skillful on the ball and fast; tireless work rate.
  • Type of Soccer Formation: 1-4-1-3-2
  • Community Team is based from: Bronx
  • Best Alcoholic Beverage from your Country: Birra Peja
 You can Follow Team Kosovo on Facebook by clicking here

The Cosmos Copa Previews can be found on all 5 Points Media websites: www.thisiscosmoscountry.com; www.latinosports.com; www.totalfootblog.com ; www.bleacherreport.com

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